
Tony Sanchez Urban Retreat

I guess we have to start with who is Tony Sanchez? I first saw Tony in 2008, on the wall of my Bikram home studio in Darlinghurst, Sydney. As I stood in the long shower queue, dripping with sweat, I got to examine the dude doing the perfect yoga postures in the poster...

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Yin Autumn Master Class

What is Yin? A type of yoga that is based Chinese Medicine Theory and Taost Principle (as opposed to the Ancient Indian System of health that Hatha Yoga like Bikram, Ashtanga, Vinyasa forms of yoga). There is a continuum of yoga that stretches from Yang to Yin. Very...

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Bikram In The Shire during COVID 19 Restrictions

Welcome back yogis! It has been a huge week re -opening our doors again after a 10 week lockdown.  Firstly a massive thanks to all the people who supported us during the lockdown. We did the pivot to online donation Zoom classes, opened a Go Fund Me account  and...

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Who is Bikram?

Bikram Choudhury was born in the city of Calcutta (now Kolkata), in the year 1946. At the tender age of only four years old, Bikram began yoga training under the strict guidance of Bishnu Ghosh, one of the most popular physical culturists of that time, at his 'College...

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Benefits of Bikram Yoga

Bengal Tiger Strength and British Bulldog Determination Bikram Yoga is an efficient exercise regime that combines body, mind and spirit to reach a simple task- optimal health. It raises the practitioner to their highest self by increasing their awareness of body, mind...

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Why the heated room?

Why the heat? The room is intentionally heated to 38 degrees to warm up the body and assist with circulation, promoting detoxification and providing optimum conditions to improve the functions of the body's internal systems. The heat provides a challenging environment...

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